Benefits of the course
- To understand the strategic and dynamic function of the role
- To explore how assessments and thresholds work
- To understand adverse childhood experiences and contextual safeguarding
Topics Covered
- To demonstrate how to manage risk at different levels
- To explore how to manage workplace allegations, transferable risk and low level concerns
- To revisit escalation and whistle blowing procedures
- To learn about Child Safeguarding Practice Review
Course Description
The role of the Designated Safeguarding Lead has become more important than ever in managing safeguarding in organisations. As with all positions, it is important to refresh knowledge and keep updated about relevant guidance and legislation. This course will refresh the knowledge of existing designated safeguarding leads.
Course Outcomes
See Topics Covered
Who The Course is For
Course Aimed at – Existing Designated Safeguarding Leads within Education and Non-Education sectors.
Technical Requirements
Laptop with audio and video access is required for all virtual training.