
Cost - £125+VAT

Format - Virtual

Duration - 1 Day

Course Introduction

This course will enhance your knowledge and understanding of gangs and criminal exploitation. It will increase your confidence in using effective safeguarding risk assessment tools to better support and protect vulnerable persons.

Difficulty - Intermediate / Advanced (Level 3)

Next Course Date -Bespoke booking on request

Benefits of the course

  • The perspective of victims and perpetrators
  • Contextual Safeguarding Risks
  • Health, ACE’s, Wellbeing and Trauma considerations
  • Key grooming and exploitation processes

Topics Covered

  • Identifying early intervention safeguarding opportunities
  • Empowering the voice of young people
  • The importance of joint information sharing
  • Confidentiality
  • Warning signs and indicators
  • Effective Referrals
  • Enhancing integrated service delivery
  • Available risk assessment tools and methods
  • Relevant Case Studies
  • Signposts to best practice

Course Description

This course highlights how important it is for agencies and commissioned services to work effectively together to tackle the complex interplay between levels of deprivation, contextual safeguarding risks, exploitation, violence, knife assaults and homicides.

It explores the key methods of grooming and key terms used. You will learn about best practice both from a managers and practitioner/carers’ perspective.  It will equip you to better identify safeguarding risks and improve your understanding of the main trauma, health and wellbeing considerations. Using best practice examples, it will enhance your awareness and confidence in writing objective, evidenced safeguarding referrals.

The course builds your appreciation of the efficacy of early interventions and the positive value of empowering the voice of young people in shaping successful solutions for the future. You will have opportunities to ask questions of a trainer with extensive multi-agency experience of supporting vulnerable young people and adults who have been criminally exploited.

Course Outcomes

See Topics Covered

Who The Course is For

Course Aimed at – Police, Health, Social Services, Foster Carers, Education

Technical Requirements

Laptop with audio and video access is required for all virtual training.