Benefits of the course
- Definition – Physical Abuse
- Definition NAI and recent data
Topics Covered
- Evidence, Guidance & Practice
- Factors that increase the risk of harm to children from maltreatment from parents/carers
- Bruising
- Maltreatment – Best practice
- Maternity Care – documentation
- Fractures
- Burns
- Scalds
- Multiagency Roles and Responsibilities
Course Description
This course is aimed at Paediatricians and GP’s, Social Workers and Police officers involved in child protection investigations and Designated safeguarding leads. It would be a valuable learning opportunity for any professional working with families such as Health Visitors and Paediatric Nurses.
It is a learning opportunity to acquire the knowledge and skills to be able to identify non- accidental injuries. This course will promote participants competence to confidently respond and manage cases on a multiagency basis. The course considers evidence from research and practice guidance to support best practice.
Nationally there has been an increasing number of non-mobile infants/children presenting with significant injuries. Often these children have previously presented to professionals with what appeared to be potentially plausible, accidental minor injuries.
This course provides an opportunity to learn about multiagency roles and responsibilities arising from section 47 enquiries in cases of non-accidental injury. It examines the use of local protocols when injuries in pre-mobile infants. It provides an opportunity to develop knowledge about how to Identify potential concerns and make referrals as appropriate.
Course Outcomes
See Topics Covered
Who The Course is For
Course Aimed at – Paediatricians, social workers, police, education, DSL/Named and Designated professionals.
Technical Requirements
Laptop with audio and video access is required for all virtual training.