Course Introduction
This course is suitable for professionals from Health, Education, Police and Children’s Social care; those who work with complex cases and social work staff responsible for co-ordinating assessments of children. Upon completion of this course, delegates are welcome to attend the ‘Safeguarding Adults Refresher (Level 4)‘ to cover the same competencies with adult safeguarding.
Benefits of the course
- To be able to lead/oversee safeguarding enquires and understand what information is required for Professional Multi-Agency Meetings. To include, how to challenge views of other professionals as appropriate
- To be able to provide specialist advice and information about safeguarding to the employing authority, this includes board directors and senior managers
- To be able to undertake risk assessments to ensure your organisation can safeguard and protect children and young people
Topics Covered
- To understand the role of the Designated Safeguarding Lead
- Be able to discuss, share and apply best practice and knowledge, including the implications of the latest research
- Be confident in using professional judgements to make decisions as to whether a child is suffering, or is likely to suffer significant harm. This includes Fabricated Illness
- To understand the investigation procedures (including complex cases) and information required in the maltreatment of children and young people, including forensic procedures and gathering
evidence - An advanced understanding of Child Care Legislation and Guidance, Information Sharing, Information Governance, Consent and Duty of Candour
- Safeguarding Training Level 4
- To be able to implement and audit the effectiveness of Safeguarding/Child Protection Services on an organisational level against current national guidelines, quality standards and how to contribute to Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews
- Understand the importance of Safeguarding Supervision and the different models to use
Course Description
To provide an awareness of child safeguarding and confidence to report matters through identified routes. It centres upon the safeguarding areas of recognising, responding, recording, reporting and reviewing. In addition, you will learn about the importance of protecting the rights of children and how critical partnership working is.
This safeguarding children course is suitable for members of the workforce who have particular responsibilities in relation to undertaking enquires under Section 47 of the Children Act 1989 (significant harm), including professionals from Health, Education, Police and Children’s Social care; those who work with complex cases and social work staff responsible for co-ordinating assessments of children.
Course Outcomes
See Topics Covered
Who The Course is For
Course Aimed at – Professionals from Health, Education, Police, Children’s Social Care
Technical Requirements
Laptop with audio and video access is required for all virtual training.