Course Introduction
Are you the Named health professional responsible for the safeguarding children’s arrangements in your organisation? This course is designed to develop and strengthen the core competencies required to fulfil the role requirements. The course is suitable for those preparing to take up a Specialist Safeguarding Children role in a health provider organisation.
Benefits of the course
• Lines of Accountability
• Reporting within and outside the organisation
• Achieving Regulatory Compliance
Topics Covered
- Establishing robust internal systems that provide assurance of appropriate safeguarding arrangements including- Audit, supervision, training strategy, peer review, risk management, developing safeguarding health forums, developing a continual improvement plan
- Multiagency roles and responsibilities and managing escalation of case concerns.
- Leading internal management reviews, use of chronologies, individual agency reviews, case management reviews.
- Best practice in supporting staff to provide evidence for court processes.
- Identifying and managing cases of non-accidental injury including bruising in non-mobile children.
- Identifying and managing cases of fabricated and induced illness.
- Implementing learning from national reviews.
Course Description
Named professional shape collaborative working practices across clinical services to provide consistent and robust standards of safeguarding. They ensure recommendations from regulatory and professionals safeguarding standards are implemented ensuring quality safeguarding for all children. Named professionals ensure the organisation meets its legal responsibilities to safeguard children and young people. They work closely with professionals and partner organisations to deliver a comprehensive safeguarding function.
Named professionals play a key role in promoting excellent professional practice within their organisation, providing advice, support, supervision and expertise for fellow professionals and ensure safeguarding training and supervision is in place from board to floor.
This level 4 course provides a training opportunity for those professionals in specialist roles safeguarding children to develop and strengthen their competence to fulfil the responsibilities of a Named Professional. The course focuses on the knowledge, skills and aptitude required to undertake the named role.
Course Outcomes
See Topics Covered
Who The Course is For
Course Aimed at – Named health professionals such as Named Doctors, Named Nurses, Named Midwives, Named GP’s
Technical Requirements
Laptop with audio and video access is required for all virtual training.