Business team uses a digital tablet and mobile phone for financial data

Cost - £165 +VAT

Format - Virtual

Duration -1 x Day

Course Introduction

Our Safeguarding Recruitment course will equip staff to understand how to ensure the candidates they select and appoint have the same attitudes and values concerning safeguarding children and adults at risk of harm.

Difficulty - Awareness

Next Course Date

Benefits of the course

  • Understand the key stages of preparing to recruit delegates who come into contact with children, young people and adults at risk of harm
  • Shortlisting and preparing for the interview
  • Recognise the importance of good communication skills

Topics Covered

  • How to select the right people
  • Identifty the role of the Disclosure and Barring service
  • Identify inappropriate behaviour and unsafe practices
  • How to identify appropriate policies and procedures for your organisation
  • What are your statutory obligations

Course Description

This course will equip delegates to understand how to recruit staff into paid or voluntary employment safely.

Delegates will learn how to design application packs, advertise, interview and recruit staff into roles where they are in contact with children, young people or adults at risk of harm.

The people you employ and work with must share the same values and attitudes about safeguarding children and safeguarding adults at risk of harm, this course help you to understand how to ensure this is the case.

This course will help keep children and adults at risk of harm safe from potential abuse and meet your safeguarding obligations by making sure you are recruiting the right people into your organisation.

Course Outcomes

See Topics Covered

Who The Course is For

Course Aimed at – Staff who have a responsibility to select and appoint/supervise candidates into roles where they will come into regular contact with children, young people and adults at risk of harm

Technical Requirements

Laptop with audio and video access is required for all virtual training.