Discover our Safeguarding Training Courses

Browse our range of online and classroom-style Safeguarding training courses.

Our range of safeguarding courses, from online to face to face are suitable for anyone having contact with or working with children or adults at risk at any level.

At SAFE, courses adhere to the Intercollegiate Document framework in order to identify the competencies required for individuals, professionals and organisations.

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Designated Safeguarding Person (Wales)

The Designated Safeguarding Person (DSP) has a responsibility at both strategic levels within the organisation and on a day-to-day basis. This course will equip delegates with the skills to undertake the role for both education sectors and non-education sectors in Wales in conjunction with Welsh legislation and guidance.

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Safeguarding Forum

Our virtual DSL Forums available for professional who are already undertaking the role of a DSL in their organisations. This open conversation will provide a chance for attendees to discuss guidance surrounding safeguarding, any challenges they face and highlight the achievements they have found within the role.

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