Every year in April the Suzy Lamplugh Trust champions awareness of stalking and the dangers surrounding stalking within ‘National Stalking Awareness week’. Suzy Lamplugh Trust works tirelessly to spread the word, support victims and take steps to end stalking altogether.
This year National Stalking Awareness Week focuses on stalking behaviours amongst young people and how better to support young victims of stalking.
What is stalking?
- Stalking is described as a pattern of unwanted behaviours that are fixated or obsessive and can be intrusive.
- Stalking isn’t always shadows in the darkness, it can often be harassing behaviours are carried out by someone they were once in a relationship, friendship or even simply worked with as a colleague.
- People who perpetrate stalking may explain their behaviours as romantic attempts to win someone’s affection, or as not giving up on a relationship.
- Stalking can also take many forms with perpetrators increasingly using technology and smart devices in the home to track, trace and monitor people’s behaviour.
How can stalking present itself?
- Following someone or monitoring their movements
- Turning up in unexpected locations
- Watching someone Moving things or leaving things around their home or place of work
- Calling and messaging repeatedly
- Monitoring someone’s online movements.
- Using smart devices to record information or obtain information about someone.
- Planting recording devices / Putting tracking apps on their phone or using tracking devices.
- Causing damage to property
- Acting in an intimidating way
- Giving unwanted gifts such as chocolates and flowers, writing letters or making ‘grand gestures’
We all have a right to safety!
🔎 Stalking can be hard to identify as it presents in many different ways, educate yourself, your families and your colleagues to become aware and lets put an end to stalking.
There is support out there such as the Suzy Lamplugh Trust Suzy Lamplugh Trust or the National Stalking Helpline on 0808 802 0300 or contact us for further information on info@safe-ltd.com