SAFE Associate – Karen Olliver
Karen is a proficient classroom practitioner with thirty years’ experience teaching languages in a variety of independent, boarding, and state schools in the UK. She has been a member of several Senior Leadership Teams (including posts as Head of Boarding, and Deputy Head Pastoral).
For the last nine years, Karen has been a member of various school safeguarding teams, being the Designated Safeguarding Lead for five of those years. Karen is also the Independent Person (as per the National Minimum Boarding Standards) for two independent boarding schools – one preparatory, the other secondary – in the home counties.
Karen has trained school staff on a range of school-based safeguarding issues. She has provided accessible and highly effective training on annual regulatory Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSiE) updates, Child-on-Child abuse, PREVENT, as well as whistleblowing (including Low-Level Concerns). Karen has also written and updated school safeguarding policies, student behaviour policies, and staff codes of conduct.
Karen’s style and delivery are clear and detailed but also friendly and accessible.