DA image

Cost - £50p.p + VAT

Format - Virtual

Duration - 90 minute workshop

Course Introduction

Domestic abuse is an incident or pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive, threatening and violent behaviour, in the majority of cases by a partner or ex-partner, but also by a family member or carer. The aim of this training is to develop awareness and understanding of Domestic Abuse and to support all workers dealing with domestic abuse issues in their daily work, with the use of a case study example.

Difficulty - Awareness

Next Course Date -

Benefits of the course

  • Understand the definition of Domestic Abuse and Coercive and Controlling behaviour
  • Develop skills to spot the signs and symptoms of Domestic Abuse in the workplace

Topics Covered

  • Understanding why it is important to address DA in the workplace
  • Understanding the definition of Domestic Abuse and Coercive Control
  • What drives Domestic Abuse
  • Develop signs and symptoms of DA in the workplace
  • Identify the risk factors where DA is featuring
  • Understand how to address concerns with colleagues
  • Develop knowledge in how to signpost colleagues for support
  • Understand your Domestic Abuse Policy and how to use it

Course Description

Domestic abuse is an incident or pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive, threatening and violent behaviour, in the majority of cases by a partner or ex-partner, but also by a family member or carer. The aim of this training is to develop awareness and understanding of Domestic Abuse and to support all workers dealing with domestic abuse issues in their daily work, with the use of a case study example.

10% of employees are likely to be victims or survivors of DA every year. 1.6 million women and 800,000 men in England and Wales reported being a victim of Domestic Abuse in 2019. Every 2 weeks in England and Wales 4 women and 1 man are killed by their partner or ex-partner. Domestic Abuse is an epidemic.  It affects people who are young and old, male, female and transgender. It does not discriminate. It is everyone’s business. The economic and social costs of domestic abuse in the UK was £66 Billion per annum, £2 billion of which is in lost economic output alone. (Home Office Report 107 January 2019). With more people working from home through the pandemic this has led to some staff being trapped at home with perpetrators.

Course Outcomes

See Topics Covered

Who The Course is For

Course Aimed at – Anyone

Technical Requirements

Laptop with audio and video access is required for all virtual training.