Higher Education - Advanced

Cost - £250+VAT

Format - Virtual

Duration - 2 Day

Course Introduction

The focus of the course is on using motivational interviewing in the field of safeguarding. You will develop knowledge, skills and confidence in using Motivational Interviewing to enable behaviour change in service users.

Difficulty - Introduction / Awareness

Next Course Date -Upon request

Benefits of the course

  • Identify the core concepts of Motivational Interviewing
  • Identify and practice the core skills to guide challenging and productive conversations

Topics Covered

  • Identify strategies to engage and develop working relationships with service users
  • Identify strategies for helping service users focus on what is important
  • Identify strategies for bringing about change
  • Identify strategies for planning to help change
  • Explore ambivalence and challenges in your working relationship with service users
  • Explore how intrinsic and extrinsic motivation interact and can complicate decision making and change commitment
  • Identify how Motivational Interviewing links with strengths based approaches

Course Description

Motivational Interviewing developed in the substance misuse field and is now used across the health and social care field. It is an approach ideally suited to service users who have traditionally been seen as ‘resistant’ to change.

Alternatively, Motivational Interviewing works with people’s struggles around behaviour change and is based on collaboration and respectfully working together towards change through a guiding approach.

The two days offer practical experience in trying out this approach with opportunity to observe others practice and receive feedback on your practice sessions.

The course is delivered by a member of the Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers (MINT)

Course Outcomes

See Topics Covered

Who The Course is For

Course Aimed at – Health and Social Care Workers, Substance Misuse Workers

Technical Requirements

Laptop with audio and video access is required for all virtual training.