Child & Adult Combined

Cost - £220 +VAT

Format - Virtual

Duration - 1 x Day

Course Introduction

This course will provide you with a clear understanding of safeguarding for those in contact with children, young people, and adults at risk. It seeks to provide you with a confidence in safeguarding, and in doing so, protect children and adults in your workplace or those you may come into contact with.

Difficulty - Advanced

Next Course Date -

JUNE 2025 – 10th June 2025

Benefits of the course

  • Follows the requirements outlined in Working Together to Safeguard Children  and Care Act 2014
  • Identify types of child & adult abuse and managing allegations
  • Comply with the Mental Capacity Act and two-tier assessment process

Topics Covered

  • Understand the implications of legislation, inter-agency policy and national guidance, including the function of the Safeguarding Children Partnership and Safeguarding Adults Boards.
  • Develop knowledge around trauma, adverse childhood experiences and its impact on childhood and adulthood.
  • Demonstrate a knowledge of both the adult and child protection processes.
  • Understanding a “Child Centred Approach” and making Safeguarding Personal to safeguarding and Contextual Safeguarding.
  • Understand inter-agency frameworks and Local Authority thresholds and how to apply them.
  • Explain the importance of good communication, recording skills and information sharing.
  • Explore the different types of child and adult abuse, including neglect and self-neglect (adults).
  • Identify the requirement to comply with the Mental Capacity Act, the two-tier assessment process and how consent should be achieved from an adult and child perspective.
  • Identify the importance of addressing domestic abuse, honour-based violence, exploitation, sexual harassment and violence.
  • Identify the role of your Designated Safeguarding Lead within your own organisation.
  • Be able in practice to make defensible and informed decisions around safeguarding responses.
  • Understand how to manage allegations of child abuse perpetrated by professionals, including escalation and Whistleblowing.

Course Description

This course is for all staff who work in a variety of roles with children, young people, adults and/or their parents/carers. It is particularly relevant for those who work in regulated activity (including those that are required to have an Enhanced DBS Check). It follows the requirements of Working Together to Safeguard Children and the Care Act.

The course is particularly relevant for organisations who work with both children and adults, for example charities, further education colleges, universities, housing associations, service providers, sports clubs, Fire & Rescue Services, and health organisations.

The aim of this course is to provide a clear understanding of safeguarding for those in contact with children, young people, and adults at risk. It seeks to provide you with a confidence in safeguarding and in doing so, protect children and adults in your workplace or those you may come into contact with.

Course Outcomes

See Topics Covered

Who The Course is For

Course Aimed at – Staff &/or parents/carers working in a variety of roles with children, young people and adults. Relevant for those working in regulated activity and organisations such as charities, colleges, universities, housing associations, sports clubs, fire & rescue services and health organisations.

Technical Requirements

Laptop with audio and video access is required for all virtual training.